~ Fact Sheet No.19 ~

Under welfare reform, your benefits can be cut or temporarily reduced if you do not follow all of the requirements of the new welfare law. In addition, a family can also lose their Jiggetts rent supplement if they are sanctioned by HRA.


bd14583_.gif (175 bytes) failing to participate in the Work Experience Program
bd14583_.gif (175 bytes) refusing submit to drug/alcohol screening or treatment
bd14583_.gif (175 bytes) missing an appointment at their Job Center or BEGIN site


If You Are a Parent with Dependent Children:

The first time you are sanctioned Until you are willing to comply.*
The second time you are sanctioned For 3 months and, after that time, until you are willing to comply.
The third time and beyond 6 months and, after that time, until you are willing to comply.

*Note: Once you are "willing to comply," you must return to BEGIN to get a "Sanction Lift" letter, which you must then bring to your caseworker to get your sanction lifted. If you receive a JIGGETTS rent supplement and you are sanctioned, you will lose your supplement unless you get the sanction lifted within 30 days.

If You Are a Single Adult or Childless Couple:

The first time you are sanctioned: 90 days or until you comply, which ever period of time is longer.
The second time you are sanctioned: 150 days or until you comply, which ever period of time is longer.
The third time and beyond: 180 days or until you comply, which ever period of time is longer.

Note: You should re-apply AT LEAST 45 DAYS PRIOR TO THE END OF YOUR SANCTION so you can receive benefits right after your sanction period ends.

IMPORTANT: If you feel that you have a good reason for failing/refusing to participate in WEP or for missing an appointment, ask for a fair hearing immediately. See Fact Sheet No. 2 on Requesting a Fair Hearing.

WE CAN Help!

If you live in North Brooklyn and need assistance, call the WE CAN Hotline at Brooklyn Legal Services Corporation A: (718)487-2300 or (800) 696-6778.


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