~ Fact Sheet No. 16 ~
(Issued and reprinted with the permission of the Welfare Reform Network Child Care Committee)


wb01626_.gif (272 bytes) You Have a Right to Safe And Appropriate Child Care:
You have a right to subsidized child care if you have children under the age 13, or children over 13 who are physically or mentally unable to take care of themselves, and you need the child care to take part in OES/BEGIN or approved education, training or work activities.

wb01626_.gif (272 bytes) You Can Choose Informal, Registered, or Licensed Care:
Every child has different child care needs. Your choice can reflect this.

bd14583_.gif (175 bytes) You can choose REGISTERED child care, where the provider tells the City that she meets certain safety and health standards.
bd14583_.gif (175 bytes) You may also choose LICENSED child care, such as a day care center, which is inspected by the City every year.
bd14583_.gif (175 bytes) You may also place your child in an INFORMAL setting, with a friend or family member.
However, you should not be required to use a provider that would put your child in unsafe and/or inappropriate care.
                  (See Fact Sheet No. 17 for more information.)

wb01626_.gif (272 bytes) You Have a Right to Childcare at No Cost to You:
     OES/BEGIN must pay day care centers the rate they charge to the general public.
        For licensed or registered providers, these rates are:
            bd14583_.gif (175 bytes) up to $145 a week for children under 3
            bd14583_.gif (175 bytes) up to $135 a week for children ages 3 to 5
            bd14583_.gif (175 bytes) up to $170 a week for school-age children
        If you are using a family member or a friend, the rate is:
            bd14583_.gif (175 bytes) $77 a week for full-time care if your child is 3 or older
            bd14583_.gif (175 bytes) $95 if your child is under 3

wb01626_.gif (272 bytes) You Have a Right to Help in Finding Child Care:
If you don't know where to start, OES or your Job Center must give you an up-to-date list of all the licenced and registered child care services available so you can check them out and pick what is right for you and your child. Also, if you ask for help, OES/Job Center is required to make two appointments for you to visit the child care providers located near you that have openings for your child. At least one of those must be licenced or registered child care.

wb01626_.gif (272 bytes) You Have a Right to a Referral to Get ACD Child Care:
Check out the day care centers or family day care programs in your area that are funded by the Agency for Child Development, and ask OES or your Job Center for a form W-548 referral so you can apply to those you want for your child. Even if they have no openings right now, you will be at the top of their waiting lists when openings do occur.

wb01626_.gif (272 bytes) No Child Care? No Sanction!
You should not be sanctioned if you cannot find child care or the only child care you can find is not right for your child. But you can be sanctioned if you do not keep looking for child care, or if you cannot report to OES or your Job Center about the places you have applied to. Keep notes so you can explain which of them had no openings, and which of them were not right for your child and why. (See Fact Sheet No.s 17 and 17a for more information on documenting your child care search.)

wb01626_.gif (272 bytes) You Have a Right to Child Care For The Hours You Need it:
You have a right to child care for the hours you need it to take part in OES/Job Center-approved activities, including job search, plus whatever travel time you need.

wb01626_.gif (272 bytes) You Have a Right to Have Your Transportation Costs Paid:
You have a right to have your transportation costs paid for yourself and your children, while you travel to work, to education or training activities, and to the child care provider.

wb01626_.gif (272 bytes) You Have a Right to Child Care When You Start Working:
If you start earning enough so you no longer need public assistance, you can get OES-funded Transitional Child Care (TCC) for one year, on a sliding fee scale. Ask Your caseworker and OES for an application or contact work-related benefits at OES: (212) 835-7681. If your child is in ACD funded child care, you can continue to get that care, on a sliding fee scale, as long as you are income eligible and need the child care.

wb01626_.gif (272 bytes) You Have a Right to a Fair Hearing on Most Child Care Issues:
If the city threatens to cut your benefits, ask for a fair hearing immediately! If you request the hearing before the date your benefits are to be cut, you will be entitled to have your benefits continue at least until you receive a hearing decision. Make sure to ask for "aid continuing."

WE CAN Help!

If you live in North Brooklyn and need assistance, call the WE CAN Hotline at Brooklyn Legal Services Corporation A: (718)487-2300 or (800) 696-6778.


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